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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Obama's Great Grandfather

I just finished reading Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama. One story stands out. It's about his grand father in Africa.

He lived in a time when the Luo tribe did not wear western clothes, only a goatskin loin cloth.

The village had heard that white men had skin as soft as babies'. They came in ships and carried sticks that had fire.

He was told by his father not to go to town because they did not understand the white man.

But he went and did not come back for several months. Finally he came and stood in front of his father's hut with a shirt, trousers and shoes. His father taught he had leprosy and that was why he covered himself up. So he told the others not to go near him and said he was unclean.

The father never spoke to him again.

What do you think of this encounter? How does it make you feel about your own life?

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