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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Real Agents Of Change

There are agents of change among us.. and are you one of them?

Two questions come to mind. Is the change what you want?

We often assume that changes are movements towards a better situation. But I have observed that the reverse can be true.

So let us look at how people try to accomplish change so that we are nor dragged along as unwilling participants.

The first way to change is to use force and control towards the target group. Rewards are given for submission and negative reinforcement for resistence. Yes, is the carrot and the stick strategy to control horses and donkeys...Er.. but I dont know if it works for humans.

As for me, I would never use this as an educator.

The second way to promote change is through wisdom and logic. That is use your persuasive powers to explain why change is needed. Aha... you know we often nag teens into obedience. I dont agree with that. I believe teens are wise ....yes I do, more wise than many who have left their teen years long ago.... Being older does not mean that mean being wiser...

The third way to promote change is reeducation. I am all for this. Give new information Provide opportunities to learn new skills. Open the windows to new territories of knowledge and truth that were not available before.

Finally we serve to create change. Help the target group to overcome obstacles. If more time is needed... try and make the time. If we have to rethink and reapply the curriculum... let's do it.

We are the agents of change .

Real change... not indoctrination.

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