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Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Now I usually take theories with a pinch of salt. But this is one of my favourite theories. I first learnt about it when someone in Flinders Uni, Adelaide talked about " Locus of Control" . It means where do we see the key to our success. Is it inside us or outside us?If we have an internal locus of control we feel the key is in us and if we wana change something we go ahead and do it. Thats me : )

If we have an external locus of control we feel that things happen to us because of factors lying outside us.. so we have no control over them.To a certain extent, if a hurricane comes along,..we do not have control over the situation. Like now in New Orleans. They are trying to get the people to pack up and go because its gonna be "the mother of storms".Sheesh... what a poor way of using the image of a mother. Why not call it the Father of all storms ? Who is more stormy you tell me?

But even in a hurricane situation you can have an internal locus of control. You can decide to leave before it's too late. No doubt you lose whatever you have ( for the second time ). But would you rather be caught in the storm?

Now when it comes to freedom, to what extent do you have an internal locus of control?What about feelings in a relationship? Do you have an internal locus of control or an external locus of control?

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