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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Conducive Learning Environment For Today's Teen

I assume we all agree on the basics of a conducive learning environment. Physically attractive, emotionally safe, psychologically stimulating...Of course there are all the details of managing people in a fixed space...common sense will give you good answers.

But my concern is how do we really make teens want to learn? Well I have observed that even before kids get to officially become teens, they already feel like it is a mistake to treat them like kids... : )

Two things pop up in my mind: A multi way communication situation is better facilitated with chairs arranged in groups or in circles...Theatre style chairs reflects one way or two way communication. Thats not for me.

The other thing is that in this day of virtual adventures we have to really give teens freedom to utilise this tools to connect to others beyond the classroom. come on...let go... As long as we do not let go, the learning environment will be artificial and stunt growth instead of enhancing growth.

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