The Unity of Personality by A Peaceful Phlegmatic
God created Peaceful Phlegmatics as special people to be the buffers for the emotions of the Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, and Perfect Melancholy. It is the perfect leveler for the other emotions.
Peaceful Phlegmatics are best because they are good in positions of mediation and unity. Why? This is because Peaceful Phlegmatic tries to keep peace in the ranks. As men struggle on choppy waters, Peaceful Phlegmatic lifts his head and calms the rough seas. They can unite opposing forces.
Moreover, Peaceful Phlegmatics are best in storms that need a calming hand. This is because Peaceful Phlegmatic backs up and waits a minute, then moves quietly in the right direction. Emotion doesn’t overwhelm them . “It’s not worth getting upset over...” they muse.
Besides that, Peaceful Phlegmatics are good listeners. Due to this, they have many friends. They would rather listen than talk. A peaceful Phlegmatic can keep quiet and doesn’t have to say a word. Because of this, other temperaments love to have people they can spout off to in time of need.
A Peaceful Phlegmatic is good. This is because gentle words enhance life and health . Griping only brings about discouragement. That is the specialty of Peaceful Phlegmatic.
By Frederick Bantin
Kristina : Untuk Mencintaimu (Aku Gadis Fotografi).Fragmen 2.2
Tapi, Kristina tidak sengaja. Bukan niatnya untuk sengaja ketawa dan
memalukan Mike. Dia betul-betul tidak dapat menahan ketawanya. Dan Kristina
tidak se...
2 years ago